Sister Foster

Sister Foster

Monday, August 25, 2014

High Five for Jesus!

This week has been a little better. The heat is still hot mixed with the humidity, but I think I was in a better mood. I went on my first exchanges:) Sister Morrell is one of the Sister Training Leaders and she was great! I got to see one of their investigators that was to be baptized this week (Last Saturday) and you could tell she wanted this gospel in her life so badly. Through her, we got some referrals!! Yay:) We , Sis Hansen and I, ran into some interesting people while out tracting. One guy from Lebanan answered the door, took one glance at our name tags and said " High Five for Jesus!" I liked him, but I could tell that Sis Hansen was a little annoyed. Haha! One asked about my ancestors in Scotland because he was from the Forester Clan as well! That Was AWESOME!!!!! We started talking about the name Foster because he was adopted and his real dad's name is Gary Foster from Texas, any relation?
It has been an offical month since I went to the MTC. Crazy! I still can't believe it. I have been thinking lately on how Sis Hamblin, Elder Hammond, Elder Anderson, and Elder George have been doing and how all the other missionaries from Madrigals have been... just randomly throughout the day.
So lots of Mexican food, Italian and Togan food this week but no BBQ yet. That is all I really want, is that so hard to ask?
Okay, there have been no pictures lately because my companion has really enforced the "no pictures while we are proselyting" rule, and we didn't go to the Capitol last week because my companion got dehydrated...I felt really bad for her. Thank you for the "greenie" package! I love the shoes you gave me:) and Sis. Hansen loved how everything was green.
Thanks y'all for the prayers, keep them coming please. They really do help!
I love y'all so much!
Sister Foster

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